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Thread: SHTP 2021 - From the Race Deck

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by SSSForumAdmin View Post
    It's fixed. Now spill the beans... - rob/beetle
    Thank you, Rob. This is very exciting: A thread with the appropriate year. The race can now go ahead. What was determined during the Zoom meeting Monday night? Well, there WILL be a race to Kauai. It will start June 19. Jim Quanci has completed a Cruise-In application for Thursday June 17 - June 19 at the Richmond Yacht Club. Depending upon Covid and the response of the RYC board, this may make for a possible staging for the race.

    At least three SHTP boats are berthed at RYC: Green Buffalo, Surprise! and Hedgehog. Danny Harris, the RYC harbormaster, has penciled it into his schedule, but that is as far as it has gone so far. However, what do we know about Jim Quanci? He's a persuasive guy.

    Larry Conklin sold the Sea Squirrel and now has a 17' Avon Searider. This is sad, sad news for people who were emotionally attached to this boat, which had no cleats or running lights, depending instead upon leftover Halloween solar lights strung along the flimsy aluminum bimini. Oh, and the engine would stop inexplicably, leaving the driver to drift offshore with the tide in the middle of the night. Yes, the Sea Squirrel will be mourned. Maybe sing O Danny Boy here.

    There will be a medical provisioning zoom presentation by Jan Hirsch, s/v Sweet Pea, on April 7 @ 7:30 pm, information to follow. Another seminar to be determined, to be held sometime in May.

    We don't yet know whether there will be a pre-race lunch, but there will be a skippers meeting and weather discussion the day before the start, whether remote or not. Skip has said he might be available to give that, but he's being coy. He noted that Jim Quanci could give weather advice to Hawaii in his sleep, its title would be "Just Follow Me!". All is dependent upon Covid. Sailors will be asked to prove they have been vaccinated, which is now part of the registration process.

    Everyone who participated in the Zoom meeting was inexplicably upbeat. For people who are about to race alone across an ocean in smallish boats, this apparent excitement defies reason, but there it is. But then again, your own sailing patterns defy reason, too, Tiger Beetle. So, I send a white cup hook your way and thank you again. As the only one among us with the apparent ability to fix the unfixable, we are in your debt.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    San Francisco Bay Area


    It's a miracle. A miracle, I tell you!

    Thank you, Rob!


    I am registered with:

    Kaiser...Sutter health....the County of San Mateo...the State of California to get a COVID vaccine. We shall see!
    1968 Selmer Series 9 B-flat and A clarinets
    1962 Buesher "Aristocrat" tenor saxophone
    Piper One Design 24, Hull #35; "Alpha"

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    San Francisco Bay Area


    I'm sad to say that I'm going to have to withdraw from the race. I've been hit with a health issue out of nowhere, the past 8-10 days or so. My blood pressure is spiking and I'm having dizzy spells. Considering the short amount of time between now and the race start, I think it's irresponsible to continue for financial and family reasons, not to mention the issue of putting emergency personnel at risk.

    I'll see you all on the water for RtR and SHF.

    I'll get a list of SHTP gear that I'll have for sale up on the forum as soon as I can so that others can use it, if they wish to.
    1968 Selmer Series 9 B-flat and A clarinets
    1962 Buesher "Aristocrat" tenor saxophone
    Piper One Design 24, Hull #35; "Alpha"

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Hi Alan -

    that sucks, I'm sorry to hear that - particularly after all the energy you've put into getting ready. Hopefully the issue is something that can be worked through and you're back out on the water good to go.

    - rob/beetle

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Arnold, CA


    I re-opened the 2020 web page from the main SSS site.
    It is linked from the forum as well.
    The header reads 2021.

    The poster will be updated.

    I am working to update racer info and boat photos.

    Racers, I sent a couple emails to the addresses provided requesting photos and info.
    I'll update as we go along.

    All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it is vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.

    T.E. Lawrence

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Nov 2019


    I am afraid the covid delays have finally won and there is no realistic way to finish preparations on Near Miss in time for a decent sea trail and to get to SF in time for the start. So I must withdraw from the race. Let me know what if anything else I need to do to withdraw.


  7. #57
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by NearMiss View Post
    Let me know what if anything else I need to do to withdraw.Cheers,Don
    Gotcha. Thanks for the email.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Bill Stange's coming in hot. He's at Drakes Bay right now. Ignore that triangle: He's coming south, not going north.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Okay, so Bill Stange's not coming in hot. He is, however, almost at the gate, arriving from the Seattle area. Affiliation? Sloop Tavern Yacht Club. He's on a Westsail and the wind has ... relented. According to his wife, Darlene, "He will be hanging out in the Potato Patch until morning, when tides are more favorable and he can see". Hula will be in Marina Bay Marina. Here's his sailing bio. Very appealing:

    Sailing bio
    Bill Stange
    Age: 64
    Where are you from?
    I was born in Waupaca, Wisconsin and grew up on Mercer Island, Washington.
    I currently reside in Driftwood Key- Hansville, Washington.
    Years Sailing: 53
    Years of Ocean Experience: 46, including races as the 1976 Victoria-Maui Race, 1980 Ballena
    Bay Transpac, and the 1988 Single-handed Transpac.
    How long have you had your sailboat? Eight years
    Favorite feature: Heavy solid construction, lots of room for on the way back from Hawaii for
    carrying trophies.
    Reason for doing race: Our Westsail 32 looked at me and said, “Hey, I may not be an Olsen
    30, but I’m no slouch off the wind. Let’s do this!!”

    I love these modest guys. In 1988 Bill sailed an Olson 30 named Intense in the SHTP. He set a new record. His times? elapsed 11:15:21:23, corrected 09:06:49:23 Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. Quite a different experience, a Westsail after an Olson.
    Last edited by Philpott; 06-01-2021 at 11:16 PM.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Discovery Bay, CA


    Meanwhile, David Garman reports Perplexity is hitting 18 kts on his way down from Seattle.

    A little practice I guess.

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